How to stop procrastinating over cleaning?

Minute Cleaning Hacks & Tips
4 min readJul 13, 2021

Procrastination can be something that can turn out to be regretful in the end. One of the reason why we procrastinate over things is that we are not interested to do it. Cleaning is one such task right? But, if we make cleaning interesting, we can overcome that difficulty. Here are some tips on how to stop procrastinating over cleaning.

First of all, the idea of a clean house is enthralling. A clean and tidy house welcomes the guests. However, maintaining a clean house is a tedious task. This is why we keep postponing the cleaning process now and then. Lets see how we can avoid that.

1. Split big tasks into smaller ones and try to do it one at a time

Visualizing a huge pending task can make you disheartened to complete it. This is why you need to split those bigger tasks to smaller ones. This will help you to easily achieve it. Once you achieve it you will get a satisfaction over that achievement which can motivate you to do the rest.

2. Reward yourself for the achievement

This a psychological tactic. Rewarding yourself entices your brain. This results in a positive reaction which will enable you to get more work done.

Reward whenever you complete a particular task. Make sure it is something you like no matter what it is.

3. Make it a group chore

Sometimes doing it alone can make it boring and exhausting. Make it a family thing to clean. Do it with your friends if you are staying in a hostel.

Most of the time, doing things in a group can help you minimize the effort. It can also make the process more fun too.

4. Make a checklist

Lists are helpful to easily check the progress. You can create a list of places you want clean like kitchen, bathroom, dining room, bed room etc. and list out what all needed to be cleaned.

how to stop procrastinating over cleaning- checklist

Once you start doing the chores, check the list to see your progress. That tick can give you a sense of satisfaction and motivate you to finish the chore.

5. Declutter before you begin

You should start from an end right? So, what you need to do is to declutter from one end. It can be one of the tedious tasks. But trust me, in the end it will turn out to be very useful.

Decluttering also give you a peace of mind.

6. Share on social media

We know we mostly share almost anything on social media. But, why do we share on social media? Simply to show people that we are doing such and such things even if it is not close to what we are doing in real life. Social media is just a tool or a reflection of what we want the world to see.

Share when you start cleaning. Post a ‘before and after’ photo of what you have cleaned. Also, sharing on social media will put you in such a situation where you will be concerned to complete the task and will give you positive re-enforcements at the end of it.

7. Eliminate distractions

Eliminate anything that distracts you. Put your phone on silent or airplane mode if it helps.

Keep your focus on cleaning itself.

8. Add some music

Music can make the task more energetic and fun. You can dance to it a bit if you like. Music is proven to help you become more productive. Play some jazz or some rock that can animate you.

But make sure you are not playing a sad song.

If all these doesn’t work for you, you can always hire a professional cleaning service while you sit and relax.

